The hospital or surgical center will call you on the day of surgery to let you know what time you will need to arrive. If your surgery is on a Monday, they will call you the Friday before your surgery. They will call you between 3:30-5:30. During this conversation, they will:
- Review your health history information, including current or past medical conditions, allergies, and medications you are currently taking.
- Verify the location and time of arrival.
- Verify any insurance information.
Additional Prep
- Please note, some insurance companies require pre-authorization for surgical services. P.R.-authorization does not guarantee payment of services (insurance disclaimer). We will assist you by getting the surgical procedure pre-authorized. It is your responsibility to contact your insurance regarding your benefits, to determine your out of pocket expenses, and to insure the doctor and facility are in your network.
- Please bring insurance cards, photo ID and medication lists with you.
- We ask that no food or drink be consumed after 11:00 PM the day before your scheduled surgery. This also includes water, gum, mints, and tobacco.
- In preparation for surgery, take a bath or shower the night before or morning of the appointment. No lotion, deodorant, or make up. Also, please do not shave the affected limb within 72 hours of the surgery.
- All patients should wear loose, comfortable, 2 piece clothing and a pair of socks.
- Leave all valuables and jewelry (including all piercings) at home.
- Arrange for someone over the age of 18 to drive you home after surgery. For your safety, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home.
- For your safety, we advise that someone care for you for 24 hours after the surgery.